Revelation 20:2 Satan is often referred to as a snake or serpent in the Bible. Genesis 3:1-5 A python is a type or breed of snake. The python spirit is simply the spirit of Satan. It is an evil spirit that operates like a python. The python is a snake that strangles it's victims. The python suffocates its victim by weakening its victim. It makes its victim weak by wrapping itself around its victim until its victim is too weak to escape or fight back. The python then opens its mouth and swallows up its victim no matter how big the victim is. It has a mouth that expands and opens wide. The python is a large snake known to swallow up crocodiles, human beings and even cows of moderate sizes. The spirit of Satan operates like a python snake. It is a spirit of discouragement, misfortune and continuous problems. The aim of this wicked spirit is to continuously attack its target with problems and misfortune until its victim feels weak, choked, hopeless and defeated....