For the body of Christ
Part of the call of the hour is for the saints of God to return to a thorough knowledge of God’s Word!
We can't take one or two passages/verses from the Bible anymore and build a doctrine or church out of it.
Our spirit man has to be well nourished in an understanding of God's Word.
This is part of the reason we have many imbalanced Christians in the body of Christ of Christ who are misrepresenting their Savior.
Jesus could represent the Father well on earth because He was the Word, He knew the Word, He was balanced!
Many believers today do not know the mind of God because they don't know the Word.
It is not enough to be trained to pray continuously, we have to be filled with His Word so that we don't pray amiss.
At the Light of Jesus Christ Assembly, we are blowing a trumpet in Zion, a call to the saints of God to get back to a thorough knowledge of God’s Word on every subject that matters to their life.
It's when we have a good knowledge of what God is saying on any subject of life in question by reading ALL the Bible says on the matter, not just picking or two verses of our choice that we can see the clear picture, the bigger picture, the portrait of what God is saying to us concerning that matter.
Jesus Christ is coming back soon, He is coming back for His bride, He wants His bride, His body, healthy, nourished and spotless.
For us to be in such a healthy state calls for a return to the Word of God.
The Word of God nourishes us, keeps us in health and cleans us like water.
When we study His Word it washes away every spiritual stain and spot.
It’s time to stop chasing shadows, it’s time to stop that habit of following every kind of teaching instead of the Savior, the one it is all about.
It’s time to stop praying prayers that have no root whatsoever in the Word of God, prayers that are not in line with His Holy Word.
The hour has come to stop placing more value on mundane things and look within and heaven wards, the hour has come to discover our identity in Christ, which is found in the Word of the Lord.
The hour has come to stop chasing miracles at the expense of not knowing Him the miracle worker, the hour has come to stop the entertainment and jamborees, and return to true worship, love and obedience to the Master.
The hour has come for sound Biblical doctrine and teaching!
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