Genesis 19:12-26 Our Lord Jesus is worth going all the way with and all the way for. To truly encounter the Lord is to discover that there is nothing out there that's better than our Lord, there is no one who compares to Him. If we understand this we won't look back from following the Lord. To look back is to give up on the Lord. To look back is to become faithless. To look back is to doubt God. To look back is to disobey God. Looking back in our walk with God is a choice, a wrong choice. Remember Lot's wife, she looked back and became a pillar of salt. Genesis 19:26 To look back is to disrespect God's instruction . To look back is to choose the pleasures of this world over the kingdom of God, it is to choose the deceptions of the enemy over God's truth, it is to choose sin over righteousness, and the offer of the enemy over God's promises. God's mercy found Lot and his family in Sodom and Gomorrah, a way of escape was made for them during a time of judgem...