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Showing posts from July, 2024

The Flame Of Righteousness

 Matthew 6:33 You can have and live a righteous life that God is pleased with irrespective of your past, your mistakes, and poor choices/decisions from the past. Righteousness is important to God and it should be important to you. Righteousness is important that's why Jesus asked us to seek for it, He asked us to seek for the righteousness of God. If it wasn't possible to get righteous Jesus wouldn't have asked us to seek for it. The purpose of seeking for God's righteousness is to get it and make it ours. You can seek for the righteousness of God, find it, and it becomes who you are. You can become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! 2 Corinthians 5:21 Righteousness is associated with purity, it's also associated with God's kingdom The blood of Jesus makes us clean and righteous. Righteousness can spread, it is inspiring and contagious. Like a flame of fire righteousness can spread from one person to another. The righteous life is a beautiful life. Like a

Righteousness & Judgement

 Isaiah 54:14-15 Our righteousness from God has many benefits and advantages. Righteousness is perhaps not the most exciting word for many people even Christians, it doesn't stir the kind of reaction words like prosperity, blessing, exploits, faith or wisdom does in people. The righteousness of the believer is not human morality which doesn't please God, human morality without salvation is self righteousness. Isaiah 64:6 The righteousness of the believer in Christ is not earned by human effort, we can't boast about achieving it by ourselves, it's not do's and don'ts. It is put upon us by faith in Jesus Christ. That's why there is hope for as many as come to God in repentance to receive it. It is a reason a prostitute, even Rahab the harlot could be declared righteous. James 2:25 Righteousness is right standing with God. Righteousness on our lives makes God the Father view us through the lens of Jesus the Christ. Righteousness gives you the right to use the s

Joy, An Aspect Of Faith!

  Psalm 4:7 God is the giver of true joy. Joy is an aspect of true faith. I'm referring to God given joy, this type of joy is not dependent on natural or outward factors, it doesn't need something physical to happen for this joy to erupt. This joy is part of the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22 Joy is more important than many people realize when it comes to their lives and spiritual walk. Guard your joy and see to it  that no one steals it. The enemy will try to steal your joy, he will use people, situations, circumstances and all sorts of distractions and gimmicks to try and steal your joy. John 10:10 You will do well not to give in to the enemy and his tricks, don't fall for it. We need our faith to please God. Hebrews 11:6 Joy reveals and reflects your faith. If you receive from God you will be joyful. John 16:24 We need faith to receive from God. Faith demands we believe and know we have received from God  before we receive the physical manifestation of that which we