Colossians 1:27 Human beings have always been interested in the idea of beings that are more than ordinary. Superheroes, super warriors, super powers, half human half gods, angels, nephilims, sons of God. Films and comic books prove this. It has always been too good to be true to the human or carnal mind that a hero with powers, who saves, who is divine and man at the same time would walk this earth. It has been a mystery to man, it has been a mystery for so long that a man with God's power walked this earth and also transferred his nature and power to humanity. Jesus Christ is the manifestation of that desire and fantasy human beings have for a perfect, powerful superhuman. When Jesus walked this earth He lived like a superhuman. When Jesus was here on earth, He was God 100% and man 100% at the same time. Jesus Christ is the mystery of the ages . Colossians 1:26,27 A mystery is anything that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. The mystery in man...