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Showing posts from April, 2018


Luke 17:21 You cannot find God's kingdom with your mind outside of God. Anyone who wants to know the ways of God, operate in God's Spirit, and do God's will must be ready to move beyond logic. To try and understand God with mere human reasoning or logic is to fail in the things of the Spirit. Human reasoning or logic is a major reason people do not know the ways of God, understand God's ways or find God. Human thinking or logic is also a tool the enemy uses to blind people from the gospel- God's truth. 2 Corinthians 4:4 A prophet in the Bible almost made this mistake, he was about to waste God's oil on the wrong man and anoint the man as king until God stopped the prophet. 1 Samuel 16:4-7 Nicodemus a teacher of the law was told by Jesus how to partake of the kingdom but Nicodemus who was operating with human logic was confused and asked a logical question- "can a man after he is born enter again into his mothers womb and be reborn?" John 3...

Miracle Living

John 3:16 The kingdom life which is the life God has called His people to is a miracle. It is a life God gives to those who accept Jesus Christ as a gift. That is what the Bible passage above lets us know. Kingdom life should produce miracle living for God's people. Kingdom life is eternal life. The scriptures show us examples of miracle supplies, supernatural turnarounds, supernatural liftings, and people who walked in a continuous flow of the miraculous. These are examples of what we can enjoy in the kingdom of God and much more. We are in a dispensation of grace. Ephesians 3:2 The grace of God is available, it can abound towards us. 2 Corinthians 9:8 This grace is necessary for miracle living, this grace is necessary for a continuous flow of the miraculous. God's plan for man has always included the miraculous, the supernatural. The first man (Adam) lived in the realm of the miraculous constantly and continuously. Until sin came into the world the miraculou...

Prayers, Dominion & Victory.

Joshua 1:2-5 As the word of the Lord came to Joshua after the death of Moses and revealed to Joshua everything He has given him and the Israelites, in like manner we have to look into the scriptures to know what God has given us. Dominion is one of the things God has given us. Prayer is one of the ways we tap into the finished works of Christ. Prayer is a major way we bring God's promises to manifestation in our lives. Isaiah 62:6,7 Dominion is part of the blessing God originally gave humanity which was lost due to Satan high jacking Adam's position. 2 Corinthians 4:4 It is God's will that we live and operate in dominion. It is not God's will that our heads are bowed in shame, that we are defeated, frustrated or casualties of life. John 3:31 The will of God is that we are compensated, that we win, that justice is granted us and we emerge on top in life. 1 Peter 5:10 When we live and walk in the authority of our God given dominion we overcome the storms ...


Genesis 1:28 Financial dominion is your right. Spiritual dominion is your right. Moral dominion and physical dominion is your right. God wants you to live a life of dominion. Luke 10:19 Dominion is God's blessing to His children and church, and it will be great for us to know and remember. If you're in Christ Jesus, you are from a kingdom of great dominion. That kingdom is within you. Luke 17:21 This means dominion- kingdom dominion, divine dominion, is within you. Daniel 7:14 Since Jesus Christ came for us, our dominion has been restored. Kingdom dominion is your right. Psalm 8:6 Restored dominion is part of the benefits of the finished works of Christ. God wants you to have dominion over his created works. To have your dominion restored is to come out of every form of oppression. To have your dominion restored is to have victory over every form of enemy. To have your dominion restored is to be on top and not be weighed down by the weight of this world. ...

Prayer & Action

James 2:14-24 The scripture above shows us wishing, hoping, and extending good thoughts will not always be enough. We have to take steps to make things happen. Many Christians pray and God is always faithful to answer. Where many Christians fall short is in the area of backing up their faith with works (action). There is usually an instruction, a direction or inspiration God expects us to act on. When we don't know it or act on it we can miss out on blessings. Deuteronomy 28:1 God blessed Adam and dominion was part of the package he received from the Lord. Genesis 1:26 God expected him to use his dominion. Adam used to talk to God but using His God given dominion was his own action to take. God also expected Adam to work not just talk to God alone. Genesis 2:15 There are things God has given us which God expects us to use - talents, abilities, opportunities, and gifts. Pray about them and take action with them. When we pray let's stay sensitive to God's inst...

Created For Dominion.

Genesis 1:26 When God created the first man God blessed him by speaking a word of blessing over him and it became for Adam as God had spoken. Anything God says is the truth and the reality. Adam and Eve were blessed because God called them blessed. God's report-His Word to you is the only report you should believe. Isaiah 53:1 Among the blessings God pronounced on Adam is the blessing of dominion. Dominion is the power and authority that puts humanity on top of everything God has created. Jesus our perfect example demonstrated dominion when he walked on water, raised the dead, healed sicknesses and diseases and commanded the wind and the sea. We are meant to do greater works. John 14:12 You are created for dominion. You should walk in greater dominion The dominion lost through Adam and Eve as a result of disobedience has been restored through Jesus Christ's obedience. Dominion was lost through sin, and regained through obedience. Romans 5:19 God wants us to ...