Luke 17:21 You cannot find God's kingdom with your mind outside of God. Anyone who wants to know the ways of God, operate in God's Spirit, and do God's will must be ready to move beyond logic. To try and understand God with mere human reasoning or logic is to fail in the things of the Spirit. Human reasoning or logic is a major reason people do not know the ways of God, understand God's ways or find God. Human thinking or logic is also a tool the enemy uses to blind people from the gospel- God's truth. 2 Corinthians 4:4 A prophet in the Bible almost made this mistake, he was about to waste God's oil on the wrong man and anoint the man as king until God stopped the prophet. 1 Samuel 16:4-7 Nicodemus a teacher of the law was told by Jesus how to partake of the kingdom but Nicodemus who was operating with human logic was confused and asked a logical question- "can a man after he is born enter again into his mothers womb and be reborn?" John 3...