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Showing posts from July, 2017

Your Prayer & Your Storm.

There is something God has given us to overcome with during difficult times, it's called prayer. Everyone on life's journey faces challenges or storms at some points or the other. During such times, be sure to pray. Prayer does not cost us money. Prayer can be done anywhere. Prayer reaches God. Prayer can make God intervene in our circumstance and situation. Prayer can affect nature, people, and it moves the angels. Prayer can help change our bitter experiences for the better, this is why the Bible informs that anyone going through a difficult time should pray. Prayer can affect your body, soul and spirit. Prayer can touch your health for the better. The health challenge of a person is a storm for that individual.  Prayer helps! James 5:15,16 The situation that was meant to swallow up the disciples of Jesus was calmed because they called on the One who has power over the storm. The calling upon Jesus by the disciples can be likened to prayer. Mark 4:35-41 Thr...

Commendation Or Condemnation.

Matthew 25:31-46 There is a day God will judge everyone. When we stand before Him it is either God is pleased with us or not. It is either God is commending us or condemning us on that day. Matthew 25:32,33 God has the power to commend. God also has the power to condemn. God has the power and keys of heaven and hell. Revelation 1:18 When God commends a person, it means God is pleased and happy with that individual. It means God is praising that individual. It means God has approved the person. When God commends a person on the day of judgement, it means that person will spend an eternity with God. Matthew 25:46 This is the aim and hope of all Christians, that they will have God's commendation on judgement day. When God condemns a person, it is the opposite of God commending that person. It means God is not happy with such a person. It means God is displeased with such a person. It means that person is not in God's good books. If the person is condemned on j...

Your Prayer & Your Co-operation.

Isaiah 1:18 The will of God is that you work with Him and co-operate with Him. God is a living, thinking, planning, strategic and miraculous Spirit who has given man free will. Free will means you're free to make your own decisions and make your own plans. The will of God for you is that you align your will with own will, in other words - cooperate with God. Your cooperation makes God bring your miracle to you. Your cooperation is your 'bone' that God receives from you to bring your need to you. Genesis 2:22 We can cooperate with God in the place of prayer. To cooperate with God in prayer is to let God's Spirit pray through you. Romans 8:26 To cooperate with God in prayer is to let our prayers line up with God's Word. To cooperate with God when it comes to prayer is to pray according to God's will. Most miracles in the Bible occurred when people were ready, and they co-operated with God. As you cooperate with God, you will know and you will see ...

Unlocking Heaven On Earth

Deuteronomy 11:21 Deuteronomy 28:1-13 Obedience to God attracts His blessing. His blessing makes our lives like heaven on earth. Consistently applying the keys of the Kingdom of God can turn our lives into heaven on earth. Matthew 16:19 Consistently applying the laws of the Kingdom of God can make our lives like heaven on earth. The Holy Spirit operates laws that are life changing. When Jesus was on earth He taught regularly about the Kingdom of God. The keys of the Kingdom and law of the Kingdom can change our lives. Jesus was excited to teach about the Kingdom because the Kingdom of God is the way to get humanity restored, fulfilled, and back to God's original pattern as we see with Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve lived a life of heaven on earth before sin came into the world. Applying the laws and principles of God's Kingdom will unlock heaven on earth for us. Using the "keys of the Kingdom"  which are also called the "mysteries of the Kingdom"...

Understanding Kingdom Strategies.

Proverbs 24:6 (MSG translation) A strategy is a plan of action, a way, a positioning, and steps to be taken to get something done. God can give us winning strategies. 2 Samuel 5:17-25 Strategies lead to accomplishments and accomplishments bring joy and fulfillment. Only God can give you the best strategies for each situation. Many people do not associate words like planning, strategizing, documenting or writing with God. Such words are usually identified with the work place or cooperate environment. Many don't understand that God is a strategist and He gives strategies to get things done. God used Jethro, the father in-law of Moses to give Moses a strategy. God has the strategy you need for the things you want to accomplish. God plans, He is a planner. God writes, He is a writer. God also documents things. He has records of our entire life and every word we have ever spoken. God documents our words. Matthew 12:36 God has kingdom strategies for you. A kingdom st...

Calling On All friends, well wishers, potential partners, members and family! Be here.

We invite all friends of our ministry to this anniversary and celebration service. We invite all well wishers to this program that acknowledges God's goodness and faithfulness . For everyone who has sought to understand, and know more about our church ministry be there. If the Lord has been touching you about partnership and you seek a Kingdom minded ministry you can come into partnership with and know the different ways you can partner with us, come to one of our services and be sure to be at this anniversary celebration service. For those who consider yourselves members of our kingdom minded ministry, be at our 3rd year anniversary service. To everyone who is part of Pastor Oluwatosin Ogunkolade 's biological family and spiritual family - this day, the 29th of July 2017 by 5:30pm be at 5-15 Beaumont Road, Plaistow, off Prince Regent Lane E13 8RJ (within Deeper Christian Life's ministry). Come with your faith and expectation for God's touch. Come with your...

Prayer And God's Goodness!

Psalm 103:1-13 "God is a good God." We say this often but do we really have any conviction about it? If we truly believe God is good, we won't have an issue with prayer. Why wouldn't you want to pray to a good God? God's goodness should be a motivation for our prayers. Pray to God because He is good. In God's goodness, He will answer your prayers. The Bible is clear about it that God is a good God. Psalm 25:6,7 The Bible is clear about it, God extends goodness to people, to human beings. God also makes His goodness develop in people. Galatians 5:22 Every promise of God's Word came about because of God's goodness. Mark 10:18 Everything we enjoy - the air we breath, the food we eat, the money we spend, the opportunities we've had, our children, our spouses, the homes we live in, the love we've enjoyed are all part of God's goodness to us. Part of the devil's tactic is to take our eyes off God's goodness. The devil w...

Where Is Your Faith?

Mark 4:35-41 Every Christian claims to have faith and every believer believes they have faith, and rightly so.  Romans 12:3 Faith is the most commonly taught topic in the body of Christ but it's also the most misunderstood. When you observe many Christians especially during a time of difficulty, you will wonder where their faith is. Faith is inspiring, contagious and encouraging when you see a person or people using their faith. Faith is best seen when a man or woman is confronted with a challenge. Mark 4:35-41 Challenges are meant to be overcome by faith. 1 John 5:4 Our Jesus Christ is the best example of faith. We see His faith shinning through each time He was confronted with difficult situations. His faith in His heavenly Father was always steadfast. Abraham's faith also shore and passed the test of life. Romans 4:19,20 Just like the disciples of Jesus were asked by Jesus about their faith, the Lord is asking you today, where is your faith? Your praise revea...