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Showing posts from April, 2017

Prayer & Spiritual Laws

Romans 8:1,2 Spiritual laws are real, powerful and helpful. God is a God of laws and principles. There are principles and laws from God's Kingdom, they are superior to other laws. God's people should be working with these laws because they are from that realm. Colossians 1:13 Laws control everything. There are laws that control things in the natural realm and spiritual realm. Even societies are controlled by man made laws and they tend to work. Laws bring order, peace and avert unnecessary misfortune. There are laws that govern prayer. Matthew 6: 5,6 Jesus shows what's priority in prayer and the pattern for good prayer. The Bible is a book full of laws. It's loaded with laws of God's Spirit which pleases God and leads to a better life. There are kingdom laws that govern marriage, finances, business, relationships, academics and all areas of life. These laws should work along with your prayer life. Our prayer life should activate spiritual laws in ...

Prayer & the Plan of God.

Jeremiah 29:11 There is no human being on this earth that God doesn't have a plan for. God has a plan for your life. Jeremiah 1:5 God has knowledge of every single person on the face of this earth. God has good thoughts towards us and there is nothing God has created that doesn't have it's role and purpose in life. You are part of God's master plan. Like a jigsaw puzzle you fit in God's master plan for humanity. Romans 8:28 Knowing God's plan for your life doesn't come automatically. Proverbs 19:21 You will have to go to the author of life, the one who has the script of your life to know what His specific plan for your life is. Proverbs 16:3,4 God can reveal His plan for your life to you and He desires to do so. Isaiah 14:24 God can reveal His plan for your life to you as an answer to prayer. Jeremiah 33:3 He will let you know His plan for your life because you asked in prayer. John 14:13,14 He can send His angels to you and His Spirit to revea...

Hearing God.

Matthew 13:16 People have different views about hearing God. Some believe God exists but doesn't speak to anyone. Some believe God speaks to only a select few, those He chooses to speak to. Some believe God doesn't exist and therefore there's no point trying to hear a God who is not real. And some believe like I do that God is a speaking God and He talks to people. Irrespective of the different views out there, what the Holy scriptures inform is what is the truth. The voice of God is meant to be heard by His sons and daughters. John 10:3-4. The voice of God is one of the greatest asset of a believer. God's voice directs, helps, inspires, brings confidence and helps to prevent mistakes. John10:5 Hearing God's voice can protect and preserve your life. Hearing God's voice can change your life forever. Isaiah 9:8 God is a speaking God. He is a Father who communicates with His children. There will be days and times God speaks audibly. There will be...

The Handwriting On The Wall

Daniel 5:5-12 God is a writer. Jeremiah 31:33 God writes and He has His own hand writing. Exodus 31:18 Like Daniel, can you interprete God's writing today? God wrote on tablets made of stone to communicate His truth, His instructions, His thoughts to His people. Hebrews 10:16 Jeremiah 31:33 He is the writer of the scriptures we have come to know as the Bible today.  2 Timothy 3:16 God is the unseen writer of the scriptures. Certain characters may have played out the events of the scriptures but the inspiration behind the events is from God. The life of Jesus Christ on earth was a manifestation and fulfillment of prophecy. Luke 2:23, Mathhew 2:5, Matthew 2:17 Prophecy is divided into written and spoken prophecy. Just like Jesus, there are things that have been said and written about you. God writes to us through His messengers. Galatians 6:11 The prophecy of our life is the unfolding of what God has 'written' concerning us. We have to operate in the ...

Prayer & Breakthrough

2 Samuel 5:20 God wants you to have breakthroughs in your life. God knows what life can be like, God understands the challenges human beings face since the fall of Adam and Eve. Hebrews 4:15 God in His mercies schedules breakthroughs for His people. How fulfilled you will be in many areas you are laboring in will have to do with the breakthroughs you receive in those areas. Prayer can bring breakthroughs. 2 Samuel 5:19 Prayer should bring breakthroughs. 2 Samuel 5:22-25 Prayer brings breakthroughs because in the place of prayer we receive strategies and instructions from the Lord. Breakthroughs apply to all areas of our life. You can have breakthroughs over your enemies. Psalm 3:7 You can have breakthroughs in your health, in your spiritual life, in your finances, in your marriage, with your children, your career, academics, personal life etc All these areas of our life shoud be prayed about. God desires for us to have a blessed and well rounded life. Isaiah 58:11 The ...