Daniel 1:8 Your intention is what you aim to do, what you intend, or plan. Our intention matters. It matters because it comes from the heart, and God deals with our hearts. Serving God and living for God in a world system where everything possible will come against your relationship with God is something we have to be intentional about. Your intention can get you blessed. Your intention is from your heart, and the heart is what God looks at. 1 Samuel 16:7 Your intention matters because we are relating with a God who knows the secrets of the heart. Psalm 44:21 God knows the thoughts and intents of our heart. God's word discerns the thoughts and intents of our hearts. Hebrews 4:12 God knows if you plan to do His will or not. God knows if you intend to please Him. God knows if Jesus or His kingdom message is your aim. God cannot be mocked or deceived. He is a God before whom all things are made plain. Hebrews 4:13 God knows and sees our intentions. Daniel's intentions pleased God...