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Showing posts from April, 2022


 Daniel 1:8 Your intention is what you aim to do, what you intend, or plan. Our intention matters. It matters because it comes from the heart, and God deals with our hearts. Serving God and living for God in a world system where everything possible will come against your relationship with God is something we have to be intentional about. Your intention can get you blessed. Your intention is from your heart, and the heart is what God looks at. 1 Samuel 16:7 Your intention matters because we are relating with a God who knows the secrets of the heart. Psalm 44:21 God knows the thoughts and intents of our heart. God's word discerns the thoughts and intents of our hearts. Hebrews 4:12 God knows if you plan to do His will or not. God knows if you intend to please Him. God knows if Jesus or His kingdom message is your aim. God cannot be mocked or deceived. He is a God before whom all things are made plain. Hebrews 4:13 God knows and sees our intentions. Daniel's intentions pleased God...

The Specialist!

 Mark 2:17 God is the great physician. The text passage above shows us that Jesus Christ is the true physician. He is the physician who tackles the disease of sin in a life. A physician has specialized skill, training, and knowledge. God is the specialist. He is the expert on all things that has to do with life and living. He is the great physician who fixes issues. God is the life expert because He sees everything clearly for what it is. All things are made plain and naked before Him. Hebrews 4:13 God is the specialist because He is the creator, the manufacturer of all things. Genesis 1:1 He has the creators knowledge on all and each of His creation. Luke 12:7 It is the creator that fixes the creation, the creation cannot fix itself. God is the Specialist who heals. God is the expert who makes whole. God is the Specialist on peace and health. He wants peace and health for you. Isaiah 53:5 God is the source, the source of life, strength. wisdom, and gifts. God understands the issue...

The Blessed Life

 Psalm 128: 1-6 The text passage above paints a short but insightful picture of what a blessed life is. This is what the blessing of those who fear the Lord should be. God wants us fulfilled, and enjoying the blessed life He has prepared and given to us. The life God planned and has for you is a good life, a great life, a blessed life. The things that have gone wrong in our lives is often the work of the enemy not God. You were not created for curses but for blessings. Genesis 1:26,28 You are not created for defeat but for blessing, and victory. 1 John 5:4 God is intelligent and wise. We see evidence of this in nature. Nature is God's handi work. The wisdom, intelligence, and creativity of God is seen in nature. Job 12:7-10 God's glory is seen in nature. Nature reveals careful planning. Psalm 95:4-5 God has a well planned life in place for you. God, in His wisdom has allowed others to go ahead of us, they've paid a price for God's blessing to come upon us. Hebrews 12:1 ...

God's Riches At Christ's Expense

 Romans 11:33 God's riches are available to as many as receive Jesus Christ. Jesus is the access, the way, the door to the riches of God. John 14:6 The riches of God are found in the realm of His glory. Philippians 4:19 The riches of God are what makes for a fulfilled, abundant, prosperous, and righteous life. The riches of God is for both our spiritual and physical lives. Long life is part of the riches of God. Psalm 91:16 Wealth is an aspect of the riches of God. Deuteronomy 8:18 Favor is within the riches of God. Psalm 102:13 Accessing the Abrahamic blessing is connected to the riches of God. Genesis 18:18 Hidden treasures or treasures of darkness are part of the riches of God. Isaiah 45:3 Throughout the accounts of the Bible, we see aspects of the riches of God made manifest in the lives of different individuals connected to Him. Breakthrough and opportunity are within the riches of God. God is the one who opens the two leaved gate of breakthrough and opportunity unto us. He op...

A Better Life

 John 14:6 God has something better for you than what you have experienced so far in life. God is the life giver, and the source of life. God wants you to truly live. John 10:10 God is the expert on all things that has to do with life and living. God wants you to live the rich life. 2 Corinthians 8:9 A life rich in spiritual growth, mercy, grace, health, favor, victory, direction, prosperity, answered prayers, and joy. God wants your life to be a sandwich of His goodness! Psalm 23:6 The grace of God makes our lives a rich life. G.R.A.C.E - God"s Riches At Christ's Expense Jesus came that you might have a better life, Jesus gave up His rich and glorious heavenly life that you might have a rich and heavenly life despite the state of humanity and the world. 2 Corinthians 8:9 Jesus brought the kingdom to us. The kingdom life is eternal life, it is a life full of grace which attracts God's mercy and reflects God's goodness. Everyone who encountered God in the scriptures rec...

Truth Over Facts (5)

 John 14:6 Truth is the real reality. Truth is very powerful. Truth provides answers and solutions. Truth is superior to falsehood. Though falsehood may have a headstart on truth in this world in terms of how it spreads,  truth will always catch up with falsehood and surpass falsehood. Jesus is Truth, Satan is falsehood. John 8:44 It is God's will that we live in and manifest His truth for our lives. You have to enforce the truth through prayer. Matthew 6:10 Facts can be falsehood. Facts can also be truth. Any fact that doesn't line up with God's word about you is false, it needs to be rejected or converted to truth. Any fact that doesn't line up with God's Word about you is false, it needs to be rejected or converted to truth. Our praise plays a big role in converting our negative facts into positive truth. 2 Chronicles 20: 1-24 Our worship also converts facts to truth. Praise brings God unto the scene. John 4:23 When God steps into a matter, answers come, the croo...

Truth Over Facts (3)

 Revelation 12:9 You need truth to overcome deception. Truth is what God wants us to accept, choose, and settle for. Facts can reflect truth or be against truth. It is in the realm of facts that Satan deceives us. The realm of facts is where Satan presents negative evidence against us, hoping that we will settle for it as our truth. This applies to every area of life. When Satan lies to us, it appears as concrete evidence. What we see can be deceptive and contrary to God's truth for us. What is seen can chamge. 2 Corinthians 4:18 What we can see, smell, touch, hear, and evem taste can deceive us. The realm of the five senses is an area Satan has mastered the art of deception. We have to develop our spiritual senses just as much as we have developed our natural senses if not more. We have to get used to trusting and using our spiritual senses. Hebrews 5:14 We can develop confidence in our spiritual gifts and senses. If we rely on circumstances or feelings we may give up and not rece...


 It is a fact that life has it's challenges and difficulties, it is truth that God is our ever present help who enables us to overcome them. Psalm 46:1 It is a fact that Satan's tricks and evil exists in this world, it is truth that the greater one lives in you to make you triumph if you are in Christ Jesus. 1 John 4:4 It is a fact that Satan has his agents and children on earth, it is truth that you don't have to be their victim. You have your praise which attracts God's presence. Psalm 22:3 Witches, wizards, warlocks, and voodoo priests exist, carrying out the enemy's work in diabolic ways, it's a fact. It is truth that God has His human agents who advance His kingdom, and continue the ministry of Jesis Christ, destroying the works of darkness. Ephesians 4:11,12 The lies of Satan are all over the earth, so we have to be careful what we accept as truth. Satan's lies are often facts in physical, medical, tangible, and visual forms. John 8:44 Truth is of the ...