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Showing posts from October, 2021

A New Thing!

 Isaiah 43:19 God is a God of the new. God is the One who does a new thing! God is the giver of new life! Romans 6:4 There is nothing new under the sun in the world and kingdom of men. But when God is permitted to rule in the affairs of men, He does new things in and through men. God does new things under the sun. In God's kingdom all things are new! God is the God of the new creation. A new thing refers to a new possibility. There are no impossibilities with God, in terns of what God can do. Luke 1:37 A new thing refers to a new order of miracle. God is working and has worked remarkable miracles today and in the past as we see throughout the scripture. Despite the many signs, wonders, and miracles of the Lord which He has done, He still promises to do something new. A new thing means it will be a type of miracle not witnessed under the sun before. It's a miracle that's novel, a miracle that has not happened to anyone before. A new thing is an order of miracle that is creat...

The Divine Turnaround

  Acts 16:28-33 God is a God of change and turnaround. God specializes in bringing a positive change to the life of His children, His people. God has a positive change in place for you. For an all round, God glorifying change to occur there is a need for a turn around. Divine turnarounds answer to the power of God. Exodus 3:19,20 Divine turnarounds come about by God's intervention. The scripture is full of people who enjoyed divine turnarounds in their lives. The children of Israel had suffered for 400 years before their turnaround came. Divine turnarounds are an aspect of God's blessing. The freedom of the children of Israel from slavery was their long awaited change, which came about by a divine turnaround. A divine turnaround is a turnaround for good, brought about by God in a human life. A divine turnaround can come about by an encounter from God. After an encounter with God's angel, Gideon's life changed significantly, from obscurity to prominence, from fear to cou...

A New Way

  Proverbs 14:12 There is a way to do anything you have to do much better. There is a better way to do everything. There is a way you do not know. There is a way for you to go, a way for you to discover, a way for you to achieve, which only God knows. This way is a path you've not walked before. It  may even be a path no man has ever been on. Job 28:7-28 God is a God of ways and strategies. God is a God of instructions and new tactics! God alone knows the way you should go. Let no man play God in your life! Some men may have a prophetic talent or gift which gives them some insight into certain things about your life, but no one truly or fully knows who you are. Men can only see in part and prophesy in part. If man does not fully know who you are, why should you look to man to show you the way to go? God alone is the one who can truly lead you right by His Spirit and His Word. God has instructions, paths, tactics, strategies, and advice for you which man cannot think of. Prover...

It Will Suffice

  1 Samuel 17:50 There is no insufficiency in God. There's is no insufficiency in God's kingdom. In God whatever you have will suffice to take you to your next level. Exodus 4:2-5 The rod in Moses hand was enough. It was a enough to work signs, wonders, and miracles. God didn't ask for something Moses didn't have access to, or that wasn't in Moses hand. What you have is sufficient for God to use. David had a stone and a sling, that's all he had to face a skillful, experienced, killer of a Giant called Goliath. Goliath had armor, a spear, a shield, height advantage, strength advantage, and reach advantage over David. 1 Samuel 17:3-7 To the untrained  eyes, David was sure to loose that fight. To the physical eyes, David didn't stand a chance against Goliath. David prevailed over Goliath without a sword. 1 Samuel 17:40-50 A sword is a more appropriate weapon that could have given David more of an advantage over Goliath, it would seem. However, the God we serve ...